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SEM News - Search Engine Marketing News Dow Jones Single Title Player (No Content) Steve Jobs and Bill Gates talking at the D5 conference posted at 6:47 PM on Thursday, May 31, 2007 BBC NEWS Technology What search engines know about us Article on the BBC about how much data is being stored about us by Search Engines (or any online publisher, for that matter), and the choices that need to be made on privacy posted at 4:09 PM BBC NEWS Technology Online and offline worlds merge: "Using Gears, online data that is usually held on web servers can be stored offline on an individual's computer, and then synchronised when the user logs back on to the web. " posted at 4:03 PM Google is Buying FeedBurner this is pure Evil! (Geek News Central): "I am hearing a lot of people cheering for Feedburner, sure I am happy for the folks that started the company, but this is really bad for people that are now going to be spied upon at a whole new level by the Google machine." posted at 8:03 PM on Wednesday, May 23, 2007 $100 Million Payday For Feedburner - This Deal Is Confirmed: "Rumors about Google acquiring RSS management company Feedburner from last week, started by ex-TechCrunch UK editor Sam Sethi, are accurate and are now confirmed according to a source close to the deal. Feedburner is in the closing stages of being acquired by Google for around $100 million. " posted at 8:00 PM |
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