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SEM News - Search Engine Marketing News

Google to buy Web analytics firm Urchin | CNET
"Internet search company Google said Monday it had agreed to acquire Urchin Software, a Web analytics company, for undisclosed terms.
Urchin, which is based in San Diego, is a software company serving Web site owners and marketers, helping them to understand how customers use Web sites and track marketing performance. "

posted at 1:35 PM on Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Yahoo's game of photo tag | CNET
"The deal, made public Sunday, is the latest in a string of acquisitions in the red-hot online photo-sharing space. But, more importantly, Flickr is a pioneer in a new method for cataloging the Internet that some believe could revolutionize Web search. As a result, Flickr could give Yahoo new competitive tools to take on Google, if it can put Flickr's community-based technology to broader use."

posted at 12:49 PM on Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Commentary: Diller asks for search | CNET
More commentary on the Ask Jeeves purchase

posted at 1:16 PM on Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Paris match for Google's library plan? | CNET
"Jacques Chirac told France's national library on Wednesday to draw up a plan to put European literary works on the Internet, rivaling a similar project by U.S.-based Web search engine Google. "

posted at 12:58 PM on Friday, March 18, 2005

Are You in for a Safe Landing? - PPC Landing Pages:
"You should create a specific landing page for your PPC ads. A landing page is the page you create to convert your PPC traffic into sales. This page should get your potential customers (that you have already paid for!) to go exactly where you think they want to go. "

posted at 2:47 PM on Thursday, March 17, 2005

The Google 302 pagejacking problem explained - SEO Scoop:
There is a "serious problem that Google is having with handling 302 redirects, and how this problem is causing many sites to have its pages hijacked in the SERPs"

posted at 2:44 PM

Netimperative - Google more popular in UK than US:
"Google is the most popular search engine in the UK, enjoying a larger share of the market than its US division, according to new data."

posted at 7:38 PM on Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Yahoo 360 takes spin through blogosphere | CNET
"Yahoo is stepping into social networking and blogging, with a new service that promises to offer a simpler way to keep in touch with people.
According to a page on its Web site, the company is inviting members to sign up for a beta test of a new product, dubbed Yahoo 360. "

posted at 1:06 PM

MSN vs. Google and Yahoo, Round 3 | CNET
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is expected to show off a new paid-search service on Wednesday that will eventually go toe-to-toe with rival Google and supplant partner Yahoo's advertising. MSN envisions adding functionality that will let advertisers buy banners and other branding-styled ads, alongside keyword paid search. Sohn said MSN is interested in building in contextual advertising opportunities and ad syndication services, too.

posted at 1:04 PM

MSN to challenge Google, Yahoo ads | CNET
"Microsoft on Wednesday plans to introduce a pilot program to sell sponsored search listings, according to sources familiar with the matter. "

posted at 12:54 PM

The answer man | Newsmakers | CNET
"Rosenschein is content with answers to the million topics included in, GuruNet's 2-month-old reference site. If you ask Rosenschein how his piddling million topics can compare with the 8 billion pages indexed by Google, Rosenschein will revert to his mantra: is not a search engine."

posted at 12:51 PM

An evening with Googles Marissa Mayer (
"A very well attended (standing room only session), Marissa took us through a presentation geared around the user experience at Google and the efforts/lengths they go to. "

posted at 4:43 PM on Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Research Supports Aggressive SEM and SEO:
"Two recent research reports suggest search marketers should probably assign different success metrics to generic search words within campaigns. Research is validating that lagged and offline conversions represent a huge proportion of search traffic value. The data often support a different, measured ROI decision for generic keywords."

posted at 9:47 AM

Yahoo! UK & Ireland Yahoo! Express:
"Yahoo! UK Ltd. is no longer offering Express service on our UK & Ireland portal. This service is now offered only by Yahoo! Inc. on its U.S.-based portal."

posted at 12:08 PM on Monday, March 14, 2005

Netimperative - Google desktop is 'war on Microsoft':
"Google's move to go official with its desktop search product and open up the product for outside developers is a direct attack on Microsoft."

posted at 3:12 PM on Friday, March 11, 2005

Yahoo seeks to expand in Google territory | CNET
"Yahoo is poised to launch an ad network for small Web publishers styled on a similar offering from Google, sources familiar with the plan told CNET, a move that promises to sharpen competition between the search giants."

posted at 12:42 PM

Sullivan: Vertical, Organic Search Deserve Attention:
"As for the organic listings themselves, Sullivan said he sees more companies paying attention to them, and he expects that trend to continue. 'Many companies are turning back to SEO (search engine optimization). They got a quick fix from paid listings, but now they're starting to see research that shows more searchers click on organic listings,' he said. "

posted at 10:49 AM

Google News: Customized News
Google News customisation FAQ

posted at 1:44 PM on Thursday, March 10, 2005

Overture / Yahoo's contextual advertising program getting closer to reality -
"Overture / Yahoo's contextual advertising program getting closer to reality
Over the past week, everyone has been abuzz about the possibility of Overture / Yahoo! launching a product to compete with Google AdSense."

posted at 10:01 AM

A New F-Word for Google Search Results:
"Organic Search Still Rules - The findings of this eye tracking study lend further credibility to the notion that organic search engine optimization is still critical to the overall success of a search marketing campaign."

posted at 9:36 AM

Google window-shops for VoIP | CNET
"The meetings offer further confirmation of the view that as the Net phone business starts to take off, search giants and Web portals such as Yahoo may not be far behind. Among the announcements at VON, America Online said it plans to unveil a VoIP service in the next month, heightening speculation that Yahoo, Microsoft's MSN and Google--its biggest Web rivals--may be exploring similar moves."

posted at 5:43 PM on Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Phishing morphs into pharming | The Register:
"Fraudsters and mischief makers are developing more insidious techniques for tricking users into visiting bogus websites. Rather than using spam to con prospective victims into clicking their way to illicit sites - so called phishing attacks - internet ne'er-do-wells are using DNS poisoning or domain hijacks to redirect users to dodgy urls."

posted at 5:40 PM

Yahoo launches Small Business Resource Center | CNET
"Yahoo said late Tuesday it launched its Small Business Resource Center, a new effort aimed at helping entrepreneurs run and market their online businesses while also helping big advertisers target the small business market. "

posted at 1:07 PM

Click fraud roils search advertisers | CNET
"Click fraud is a reality of the pay-for-performance search industry, an estimated $4 billion to $5 billion market this year. Search has turned online advertising into a cash cow for businesses such as Google and Yahoo because of its efficiency at bringing customers and products together at the point of interest. But where there's profit, there's often pilfering."

posted at 10:37 AM on Monday, March 07, 2005

Google toolbar move raises online ire | CNET "Google's browser toolbar is raising eyebrows over a feature that inserts new hyperlinks in Web pages, giving the Internet search provider a powerful tool to funnel traffic to destinations of its choice. "

posted at 10:32 AM

This week in search | CNET
"Local search was a central focus of all the players at the annual Search Engine Strategies conference."

posted at 10:30 AM

Lycos asks Jeeves to replace Yahoo | CNET
"Web portal Lycos has selected Ask Jeeves technology for's search engine."

posted at 1:11 PM on Friday, March 04, 2005

After 10 years, Yahoo still searching | CNET
"Unlike rival Google, however, Yahoo is resting its strategy on a full service approach, delivering as much of the Web as it makes sense to offer to as many people as possible. Its dizzying array of offerings run the gamut, from online job listings to music videos to online dating services, news, financial tools, instant messaging and Web-based e-mail, just to name a few."

posted at 1:50 PM on Wednesday, March 02, 2005

On the lookout for the next search winner | CNET

"At the Search Engine Strategies conference on Monday, people packed the seats, walls and floor of an opening session, 'The Search Landscape,' in which researchers parsed the market to show the latest trends. Data lovers could confirm which are the most popular search engines--Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, in that order--or find out how fickle Web surfers are: very."

posted at 3:54 PM on Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Yahoo opens up its search toolbox to developers | CNET
"NEW YORK--Yahoo also announced that its search network is embracing Web services and that its commercial subsidiary (Overture) is taking a new name. - Yahoo Search Marketing Solutions"

posted at 3:25 PM

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