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SEM News - Search Engine Marketing News

Webmaster Help Center - How do I resubmit my Sitemap once it has changed?:
"resubmit your Sitemap using an HTTP request"

posted at 8:14 PM on Thursday, April 12, 2007

Search Engines Unite On Sitemaps Autodiscovery:
"G,Y & MSN are now joined by in supporting the system and an extension of it called autodiscovery. This is where the major search engines will automatically locate your sitemaps file if the location is listed in a robots.txt file."

posted at 8:05 PM

Search Engines Unite On Sitemaps Autodiscovery:
"G,Y & MSN are now joined by in supporting the system and an extension of it called autodiscovery. This is where the major search engines will automatically locate your sitemaps file if the location is listed in a robots.txt file."

posted at 8:05 PM

Search Engines Unite On Sitemaps Autodiscovery:
"G,Y & MSN are now joined by in supporting the system and an extension of it called autodiscovery. This is where the major search engines will automatically locate your sitemaps file if the location is listed in a robots.txt file."

posted at 8:05 PM

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