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SEM News - Search Engine Marketing News

Firm eyes RSS feeds as ad vehicle | CNET
"Kanoodle, a search-advertising specialist, wants to help turn blogging into small business.
On Monday, the company is expected to introduce a self-service system that lets online publishers pair advertising with their RSS feeds. Called BrightAds RSS (after the technology format Really Simple Syndication), the service takes advantage of Kanoodle's keyword advertising system to match Web content to relevant ads. Once a publisher signs up, an advertising link will piggyback on its syndicated feed sent to third-party news readers."

posted at 12:39 PM on Monday, February 28, 2005

Search Engine Optimisation Resources. Sources of Information and Tools.

A nice resource from Barry Lloyd's Make Me Top.

posted at 3:27 PM on Friday, February 25, 2005

Netimperative - Top 20 UK search engines:
"Top 20 search engines in the UK, according to Neilsen//Netratings, ranked by click throughs per searcher"

posted at 3:23 PM

Study: Paid search to continue climbing | CNET
"Paid search is expected to grow faster than any other sector of online advertising, increasing from $2.6 billion in 2004 to $5.5 billion in 2009, according to a new study. "

posted at 12:38 PM on Thursday, February 24, 2005

Google toolbar move raises online ire | CNET
"Google's browser toolbar is raising eyebrows over a feature that inserts new hyperlinks in Web pages, giving the Internet search provider a powerful tool to funnel traffic to destinations of its choice.
When Web surfers install the toolbar in their Microsoft Internet Explorer Web browser and click the AutoLink button, Web pages with street addresses suddenly sprout links to Google's map service by default. Book publishers' ISBN numbers trigger links to, potentially luring shoppers away from competing book sellers such as Vehicle ID licenses spawn links to, while package tracking numbers connect automatically to shippers' Web sites."

posted at 2:27 PM on Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Google book plan sparks French war of words | CNET
"PARIS--France's national library has raised a 'war cry' over plans by Google to put books from some of the world's great libraries on the Internet and wants to ensure the project does not lead a domination of American ideas. "

posted at 1:19 PM

Google Toolbar 3 beta
Google launched a new Toolbar Beta version 3

posted at 9:23 AM on Thursday, February 17, 2005

Oneupweb :: Search Engine Marketing White Papers with Pizzazz

some interesting topics in the search field - worth a look.

posted at 6:16 PM on Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Yahoo sets up operations in Ireland | CNET
"U.S. Internet company Yahoo plans to set up a European operations headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, the Irish government said Tuesday."

posted at 12:43 PM

Yahoo sets up operations in Ireland | CNET
"U.S. Internet company Yahoo plans to set up a European operations headquarters in Dublin, Ireland, the Irish government said Tuesday."

posted at 12:42 PM

Ask Jeeves Blog

A link to the relatively new Ask Jeeves Blog.

posted at 1:53 PM on Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Ask Jeeves Blog: Mozilla's On Fire:
Ask Jeeves' blog entry on meeting with Mozilla - "We went on to discuss three subjects: 1) AJ Desktop Search 2) AJ Leveraging Firefox Browser 3) XUL platform..."

posted at 1:48 PM

Ask Jeeves mulls Firefox-based browser | CNET
"Ask Jeeves and the Mozilla Foundation have begun discussions on the twin possibilities of a Firefox-based Jeeves browser and of donating Jeeves' desktop search technology to the open-source group. "

posted at 1:46 PM

Google and MSN search comparison:
"On the whole is seems that the MSN search engine is indeed placing IIS hosted sites higher in the results more frequently than other webservers. Frequently the MSN search is placing more IIS servers in the important top 10 results than Google even where result sets from a query have actually returned fewer IIS servers overall on MSN."

posted at 8:55 AM

iMediaConnection: SearchTHIS: Search Industry Update:
"Yes folks, in case you missed every research report published in recent search history, this is the place to get the search engine marketing executive summary. "

posted at 10:24 PM on Monday, February 14, 2005

Google's Aging Delay for New Sites:
"Many site owners and SEOs are worried because their new sites that rank well in Yahoo and MSN, aren't doing well in Google, and they're blaming it on the 'sandbox.' The current theory is that new sites are somehow being penalized for obtaining too many links, too quickly."

posted at 10:08 PM

How To Play In Google's Sandbox:
"The Theory
There has been a theory floating around that Google is now imposing some kind of penalty on brand new web sites or sites that seem to acquire a large amount of links from other sites in a relatively short period of time. It is being discussed on all the search engine marketing forums. Many articles have been written about it. Even several live examples have been presented by frustrated web site owners and managers who can't seem to understand why their sites will not rank well in the Google search engine results pages (SERPs)."

posted at 10:07 PM

Netimperative - Top 10 search engines:
"Top 10 search engines in the US in terms of unique users for December 2004, according to Nielsen//NetRatings. (Market share shown in brackets)."

posted at 12:57 PM on Sunday, February 13, 2005

Netimperative - Comment: Publishers should RSVP to RSS:
"Howver, critics of RSS advertising - like RSS-guru Dave Winer �says inserting ads inside RSS feeds will diminish the value of RSS amongst users and pollute the new form. That may be, and publishers will have to tread carefully.However, I�m sure this was said about email a many years ago - and these days there is rarely such thing as a publisher with an email which doesn�t include advertising.On the eve of the conference for the Association of Online Publishers next Thursday, isues like this will need to be discussed. But will, they be? Looking at the programme, there is no debate scheduled about publishing and advertising using RSS.As other forms of RSS �push media� emerge - such as 'podcasting,' where you can get audio clips via RSS, upload them to your iPod or MP3 player and listen to radio programmes at your convenience - it�s time now for content owners to get serious about RSS."

posted at 12:54 PM

Netimperative - Ask Jeeves buys major blog service:
"Ask Jeeves has bought blog aggregation service Bloglines for an undisclosed sum.
As Netimperative predicted, Ask Jeeves bought Trustic Inc., which owns and operates the Bloglines service. Financial details of the sale were not disclosed.

Bloglines monitors the Really Simple Syndication (RSS) 'feeds' from blogs and aggregates the desired content into a personalised Web page for Blogline's users.

'Search is one way to retrieve information on the Internet and this is another. This a very close cousin to search,' said Jim Lanzone, Ask Jeeves' senior vice president of search properties.

Ask Jeeves also bought into the Bloglines services for creating, publishing and searching blogs."

posted at 12:50 PM

Netimperative - Overture to focus on "local" search:
"Search marketing firm Overture has appointed Ruud Smeets as its general manager of local search for Overture Europe, signaling a renewed emphasis on smaller advertisers.
Smeets will be responsible for managing the European strategy for Overture�s Local product and services, the company�s local sponsored search currently only available in the US."

posted at 12:48 PM

Yahoo unveils test toolbar for Firefox | CNET
"Yahoo said late Wednesday that it has released a test version of its toolbar for the Mozilla Firefox Web browser. "

posted at 1:30 PM on Friday, February 11, 2005

Primedia puts up for sale | CNET
"Primedia, the publishing company owned by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, has put the Web site on the block, and five companies plan to bid on it, according to executives close to the auction.
Final bids are due Tuesday, and the asking price is $350 million to $500 million, they said.
The bidders that plan to submit final offers Tuesday are Google, Yahoo, The New York Times Company, the AOL unit of Time Warner and Ask Jeeves, the executives said."

posted at 1:26 PM

GuruNet, Google get a little closer | CNET
"Since last month, Google has been gradually switching over its search term definition links to GuruNet's site from Google's old standby, In a conference call with reporters Tuesday morning, GuruNet CEO Robert Rosenschein said Google's transition to was complete."

posted at 1:12 PM

Amazon invests in blogging site | CNET
Amazon is dipping its toe in the Web log phenomenon with an investment in 43 Things, a new Web site where people write about their goals and accomplishments and are linked to others with similar interests.

posted at 12:57 PM

Google finds its map service | CNET
"In its latest play in the ongoing search wars, Google on Tuesday quietly launched a beta site for a new map service at

posted at 1:35 PM on Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Gmail gearing up for full launch? | CNET
"Gmail, the Web mail service operated by search engine Google, could be gearing up for its official launch, as people using the service have found recently that the number of invitations they can send out has increased from four to 50. "

posted at 1:33 PM

Netimperative - Jeeves to buy Bloglines?:
"Ask Jeeves is rumoured to be buying Bloglines, the Blog search engine.
Bloglines claims to be the 'most comprehensive, integrated service for searching, subscribing, publishing and sharing news feeds, blogs, and rich Web content'. It uses RSS (Really Simple Syndication) to aggregate blog postings."

posted at 11:48 AM on Monday, February 07, 2005

RSS feeds attract venture dollars | CNET
"To help negotiate the expanding online universe of syndicated content, blog aggregators abound. Hundreds of desktop software titles like FeedDemon and NetNewsWire exist. Yahoo in October revamped its My Yahoo pages using RSS as an underlying technology. The Mozilla Foundation's Firefox browser and an upcoming Netscape browser based on it have RSS capabilities as well."

posted at 9:36 AM on Friday, February 04, 2005

Botnets strangle Google Adwords campaigns | The Register:
"Security researchers have discovered a way to shut down or seriously impair a Google Adwords advertising campaign by artificially inflating the number of times an ad is displayed. By running searches against particular keywords from compromised hosts, attackers can cause click-through percentage rates to fall through the floor."

posted at 9:20 AM

Introducing Y!Q BETA
Y!Q is a contextual search technology that analyzes the contents of the Web page you're viewing and then gives you a list of search results directly related to what you're reading

posted at 9:14 AM - Zero-out your keyword competitors.
A keyword analysis tool to help see your competition and work out potential supplementary keyword phrases.

posted at 9:03 AM on Thursday, February 03, 2005

Google gets rights as Web site registrar | CNET
Google has become accredited to register and sell Web addresses under the governing body of domain names.
According to Google, the move points to at least one of its approaches to improving search, amid fierce competition from Yahoo, Microsoft and many others."

posted at 4:45 PM on Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Yahoo Japan launches blog beta | CNET
"Yahoo Japan, owned mostly by Softbank and partly by Yahoo, on Tuesday launched a test, or 'beta,' version of Yahoo Japan Blogs, a free service that lets users post blogs and up to 2GB of images, comment on other blogs, and associate their blogs with animated representations of users known as avatars."

posted at 4:17 PM

UK Search Engine Relationships Chart (August 2004) - Outrider
An updated Search Engine relationship chart from Outrider UK. MSN is now supplying its own algorithmic listings, instead of Yahoo!

posted at 11:20 AM on Tuesday, February 01, 2005

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