Search Marketing Resources - Links to tools and resources
Microsoft Excel Tips - select only visible cells: how to add this item to your excel toolbar...
Yahoo! Next: "It's a showcase of some of Yahoo!'s newest and coolest projects - the cutting edge of what Yahoo!'s doing today and working on for tomorrow!"
Oversimplified DNS - Canonical Names (CNAME)
Explaination of the C-record for hosting subdomains using a domain name rather than an IP address
what is theThe ' A record' A useful explaination of A-records and how to create a subdomain hosted on a different server using the A-record
FAQ: Protecting yourself from search engines | CNET "AOL's publication of the search histories of more than 650,000 of its users should reinforce an important point: What you type in online may not be as private as you think. "
Info Vilesilencer: The Original SEO Friendly Free Directory List list of directories