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FAQ -- Free Search
Customisable Google site search - make google results look like your website...

Yahoo! Help - search functions:
"Search Meta Words
Here is a list of special keywords that give you results unique to that special keyword instruction. You can enter these Meta words directly into the Yahoo! Search box.
site: this allows one to find all documents within a particular domain and all it's subdomains.
hostname: this allows one to find all documents from a particular host only.
link: this allows one to find documents that link to a particular url.
Example: link:
url: this alllows one to find a specific document in our index.
Example: url:
inurl: this allows one to find a specific keyword as part of indexed urls.
Example: inurl:bulgarian
intitle: this allows one to find a specific keyword as part of the indexed titles.
Example: intitle:Bulgarian "

Too Many Links From The Same Server? -> High Rankings Search Engine Optimization Forum
A good thread about linking to your website from sites hosted on the same server.... the anchor text should also be varied if possible

CSANT.INFO :: software :: lynx web browser
The Google Spider (and probably slurp too) is based on the Lynx web browser - this can help identify potential problems with site structure.

Search Marketing Services by Outrider
outrider UK' search

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